the bitter cyclist
So the Tour of Georgia wrapped up last weekend. Great job by The Floyd and Tommy D. I have never been to this race, but it sounds like a stellar event right here in the Yoonited States Uhvuhmurikuh. It's a great mix of elite Euro cycling stars as well as the best U.S. teams - wow - and you don't even need a passport to witness this caliber of racing.
What's that? You haven't heard of it? That's no surprise since it garnered not so much as a recap or even a brief mention on our local TV news. Discovery's Tom Danielson is from Colorado Springs for Pete's sake! Oh that's right -- Lance retired, so the general U.S. public has gone back to the "if it aint got a ball, and it aint NASCAR, it aint a sport" mode.
The pro cycling season is well underway and it is a little frustrating as always for those of us in the U.S. who are fans. At least we have OLN (soon to be re-named 'Versus') in our friendly cable lineup and they do a great job of covering most of the major events. Ah yes....the life of a "fringe/extreme sport" enthusiast.
Oh, and one more question.....why is it that Colorado, arguably this nation's capitol of cycling, has not had a major stage race since the days of the Coors Classic? Many professional cyclists live and train here for obvious reasons, yet there's apparently no interest (??), no financial backing, and no sponsorship. Yes, I know.....I need to move to Europe.