Sweet justice. For all the times I have gone to the vending machine for some peanut M&Ms and the bag was left dangling from the poorly designed mechanism, and I had to dash back to my desk to get more change in order to get that bag and lose another $.70, or just eat the $.70 and leave it hanging there.........
Today was a victory. There it was. A defenseless bag of the multicolored treats barely hanging on with paper claws. I put in my coins. My palms got all sweaty and the thing is, I was really just buying them out of boredom. I wasn’t really even hungry. But all of the forces of goodness and all that is right came together and dropped not one, but two glorious bags of sugary, nutty goodness. I only ate one bag though, because eating the second would not only mean that fate would have me choke to death on one, but I would have to tack on another 10 hilly miles to my ride in the morning.
I'm buying a lottery ticket for sure tonight.
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