Did you know that November (also known as YESvember here at the office) is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month? YIPPEEE!
Well, here in my cube farm hell, we are never lacking for outrageous celebrations, as my regular reader(s) is/are well aware. Keeping with that annoying tradition, we are introducing a peanut butter potluck!! Participants are encouraged to prepare and bring in their favorite peanut butter-based recipes which will no doubt consist of such delicacies as peanut butter cookies, and…..and…..other peanut butter cookies…. ….and…..umm….peanut butter….uuhh logs maybe? Oh, I know. Peanut butter fudge! Yeah, fudge too! (note: nut allergy sufferers should stay well clear of the break room).
This will be one of the highlights of the year without fail, and that’s including crazy tie day. I can’t think of a better theme month to celebrate with unbridled jubilation and glee.
Gee……I wonder what the company has in store for Black History Month. Let’s see. What did we do last year? Can’t seem to remember for sure. Oh well. Doesn’t matter. Black History Month couldn’t possibly be any more important to recognize than National Peanut Butter Lovers Month.
(Thanks, Sean)