Tuesday, March 21, 2006

assorted thoughts for a tuesday morning

Heard on a conference call today:
"There was a decision that we need to make a decision, but I don't think there was a decision."

I hate springtime in Colorado. I would probably hate it most anywhere, actually. The weather is just nuts and it drives me insane getting 3 or 4 good 70F days of riding in a row, then massive- heavy-wet snow. Sure, I could ride my trainer in the basement but if there's one thing that drives me even more insane than the springtime weather, it's pedaling a bike furiously, going nowhere and sweating to death. Maybe I should quit bitching and go ride in the cold and wet.

My little boy walked all the way across the kitchen last night. He'll be bombing down singletrack in no time. Once he consistently remembers that he can actually walk and doesn't need to crawl, life will be very interesting and his big sister had better watch out.

Tabasco pickle spears -- quite possibly the best food concoction of the 21st century.


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