Friday, April 08, 2005

Here is something I hate more than just about anything.

The problem is people trying with all their might to sound smart, or official, or cordial, or something. If you have been in the corporate world in the last 2 or 3 years and have been forced to endure a conference call, you have heard the one phrase that is about to make me completely blow a gasket. Here it is:

"I can speak to that".

FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!! STOP IT!! People use the phrase when they mean to say "I can address that" or "I would be happy to discuss that". Someday, on yet one more meaningful conference call, I am just waiting for someone to say, "Brian, can you speak to that?" Oh, I just can't wait. I will come unglued. Why is it so freaking difficult say "I can address it"?

Even more.....where did this phrase originate? And why? If I can find the jackass who started it....oh man.


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